Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Evaluation - What We Have Learnt

This post addresses the question:
Looking back at your preliminary, what progression have you made from this to your main task?

Monday, 7 December 2015

Audience and Distribution

This post addresses the questions:
Who would be the audience for your media product?
How did you attract your audience? 
What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Friday, 4 December 2015

Social Group Representation

This post addresses the question:
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Threat Level Midnight - Director's Commentary

This post addresses the questions:
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
What have you learnt about technologies the process of constructing this product?

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Audience Feedback - Title Cards - Updated

Brief update on the audience feedback we received and how it is affecting our project. We have decided to cut the colour nobody liked and use back to back title cards using the same colour which we think when timed with the lull in the music creates a really nice effect.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Split Screen

Sourcing Stock Footage

For our project we needed a shot of the sunrising for the opening sequence. Due to the time of year and the weather we could not achieve this shot so we had to source some free stock footage. WE found some without any copyright on it and have proceeded to use this as ours.

1st Draft

Action Plan Week 8

Raw Footage

This is a compilation of all of the raw footage that we filmed, before putting it through any editing.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Feedback Video

We used this video to form our second questionnaire. It gave us more qualitative data about our idea rather than just the quantitative data we had previously.

Questionnaire 2 Results

Our 2nd set of results was based on the exact same sample of people to keep the results fair. For this we asked questions to see how we should style our idea. People preferred no voiceover and would like music to be playing during the title credits. They also agreed that title cards for actors names etc would act better than text just overlaid upon the screen. People also agreed that you don't always need a big action sequence to open a action movie but they did however say that the music needs to feel dirty and fast and the whole opening has to feel gritty and intense to match. This doesn't mean that you don't need to have slow building shots but they do need to feel like they mean something. This information that we have collated will allow us to better shape our vision. This questionnaire was formed from the answers we got from our feedback video and this allowed us to get more in-depth on this.

Questionnaire 2

Questionnaire Results

Our results show that there is a clear preference for our 3rd idea. People stated that they were more interested in a intro that set the tone and mood and introducing the characters opposed to a big action intro. However people showed a clear preference for action movies in intro and what they like to watch. Using all this data we will form a 2nd questionnaire more tailored towards finding out more in-depth information about this. Our data was also highly unbiased and had a good spread of people in ages and gender.


Initial Thoughts

Main Task Brief

Main Task Brief
For our main task we have been asked to produce a 2 minute movie opening including opening credits. The task includes researching the genre, working out a story board, writing a synopsis and finding props and cast members to film the opening. We have elected to do a action style opening whit it being fast paced with hard music below the opening credits.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Storyboard for Preliminary Task

As you can see, on the bottom of the first page of the storyboard, we had a two shot planned. We decided to cut this shot when filming because as the first character enters the room in the previous shot, the camera pans and follows him as he sits down, which already creates a two shot of the two characters facing each other. To cut to another two shot from this would be unnecessary and jarring, so we decided to go straight into the shot reverse shot.

Finished Preliminary Task

Editing the Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task Research